#OpPayPal to End WikiLeaks Blockade

WikiLeaks is an organization of journalists who publish whistleblower leaks of documents from corrupt governments and corporations. PayPal is an eBay company who quickly caved to US State Department threats, and cut off a source of funding to WikiLeaks. I’ve closed my PayPal account in protest, with thousands of others. This has had a negative effect on eBay’s stock price.

I did a search on PayPal’s Help system because it wasn’t obvious to me how to close the account. The help page for closing an account is blank, it omits the instructions entirely. I explained this on the phone to Brian at PayPal customer support. He could see the instructions, but people in the real world cannot. It appears to be a deliberate attempt on the part of PayPal to limit the damage #OpPayPal is having.

UPDATE: I identifyed the “bug”, it does not display the instructions for those outside of the US countrycode variable in the URL. It works with US, but not with CA.

Here are the steps to close your PayPal account:
1. Go to http://www.paypal.com and log in to your account.
2. Click “Profile” near the top of the page.
3. Click “My settings.”
4. Click “Close account” next to “Account type.”
5. Choose up to 3 reasons why you want to close your account and enter any additional information.
6. Click “Continue.”
7. Click “Close Account.”

2 responses to “#OpPayPal to End WikiLeaks Blockade

  1. I closed my account in protest yesterday, as well. I was able to see the help pages, and close my account from online. Though i did hear many people where having problems.

  2. I found out how to close my account by searching “close account” or some such. I closed my account. It wasn’t too hard.

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