BP means Beyond the Pale

British Petroleum (now “BP” rebranded Beyond Petroleum”) is now simply Beyond the Pale.

They are the cause of what is every passing week the biggest human caused, unintentional environmental spill in history.

In a creepy, yet not unexpected turn of events (if you’re cynical about who really controls the US Government), CBS news reporters were threatened with arrest under the authority of BP, while on a public shore. BP has no authority to arrest anyone, or command the Coast Guard to arrest anyone. All doubt that the States is a corporatocracy, is being removed bit by bit.

It’s startling that so BP is being given so much freedom right now, when they’ve inflicted countless billions of dollars of damage on the American people and its economy. Are the class action lawsuits coming this year, or later do you think? Why is the US Government not acting like it is in charge, instead of BP? I think the video answered that for us.

BP rushed the drilling, and had unreported accidents in the quest to complete the well quickly. You can see non-live images of the spill here, played in what looks like a loop. The videos appear to be from the 8th and 16th of May.

Boycot Petroleum; it’s hard to live without oil these days, but you can certainly live without BP.


Stephen Harper’s government is so frickin’ embarrassing, it’s crazy. How could the earth’s climate not be discussed at a major meeting, when Canada is only one of the few countries with a ruling party that doesn’t acknowledge the climate’s connection to pollution? Elizabeth May is right, Canada’s hijacked the agenda of the G-countries meetings.


ADDED: BP Parodies are running rampant. Here are some of my favourite lines:
They want to fine us $4,300 for every barrel of oil spilled? Umm, we’re not spilling barrels, the oil is going directly into the gulf. DUH
-Lots of people blaming this on Bush or Obama. Pph, we wish. The truth is Presidents don’t have any control over what we do. #bpcares
-Just got the concession call from Exxon Valdez. They were great competitors and remarkably evil about everything. #bpwins!
-The good news: Mermaids are real. The bad news: They are now extinct.

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